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Welcome to the Clan MacKenzie Society in the United States


The Clan Mackenzie Society in the United States, Inc. was incorporated in February 1988. Its organization was based on an idea and dream of Gibson R McKenzie. He first presented his idea to a group of MacKenzies at Grandfather Mountain in 1974.

The purpose of the society is “to foster a greater interest among MacKenzie descendants in the Clan MacKenzie and to educate and instill an awareness of Scottish traditions in minor children as well as adults.”

The MacKenzies have a proud heritage dating back many centuries and we hope to preserve and continue the many traditions of our clan and our Scottish heritage.


The name Mackenzie, or MacCoinneach in Gaelic, means literally, “Son of Kenneth”. The original Kenneth, who lived in the 13th Century, was descended from a younger son of Gilleoin of the Aird, from whom can also be traced the once powerful Earls of Ross.

The MacKenzies were, without doubt, of Celtic stock and were not among the clans that originated from Norman ancestors. We know little about the generations immediately following Gilleoin, but in 1267 Kenneth was living at Eilean Donan, a stronghold at the mouth of Loch Duich. He must have been an important vassal, for the Earl of Ross appears to have married Kenneth’s aunt and thus strengthened the relationship which already existed between the two families.

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